As human beings we are wired to handle internal and external stressors; however some events occur that significantly impact our ability to move forward and past a particular event or experience. This is trauma. Trauma is subjective, meaning that even if others might not perceive an event as traumatic, it may have been for you. And your experience is valid.

Areas of Birth and Reproductive Trauma

  • Fertility 
  • Loss
  • Pregnancy 
  • Termination 
  • Birth 
  • Feeding
  • Postpartum 
  • NICU

 What we can explore together

  • Safety Plan and Identifying Supports
  • Psychoeducation 
  • Sharing your story 
  • Coping Strategies
  • Herbal Support 
  • Community Resources 
  • When to bring your concerns to your MD or a Specialist 
  • Advocacy and Coaching
  • Yoga & Meditation 
  • Reiki-Energy Healing 
  • Reflexology