If you are thinking of conceiving, trying to conceive, have conceived or more, you are going through a siginificant life transition. This time period can be particularly overwheleming. There is a lot of information out there, many opinions and ways to go forward. Together we can quiet the noise and focus in, on what you need to know, to feel empowered and supported. As you navigate the changes in your body, your expectations, hopes and dreams for your yourself and your family.


What we can explore together

  • Cycle Tracking for Fertility 
  • What to expect: Pregnancy and Postpartum 
  • Lactation Suppot and Counselling 
  • Infant and Child Health (Milestones, Newborn care, Nutrition and Sleep)
  • Birth Plan, Parenting goals and Manifeston (INSPO: "The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto" by Brene Brown
  • Hormonal Health 
  • Herbal Support 
  • Astrology Chart Analysis 
  • Community Resources 
  • When to bring your concerns to your MD or a Specialist 
  • Advocacy and Coaching 
  • Yoga & Meditation 
  • Reiki-Energy Healing 
  • Reflexology