Cramps, headaches, cravings, we're often told that these are just the normal right's of passage to having a female reproductive system. Maybe you had the "talk" with your parents, or an awkward sex ed class in high school, a brief conversation at your pediatrician, only for the topic to be tabled until pregnancy or menopause. I'm here to say that the conversation must continue beyond that, beyond making or not making babies. We need to understand our bodies, our hormones and our cycles. In fact, our cycles can provide an interesting roadmap to our health and even point to more serious health conditions. Know the flow!

What we can explore together: 

  • Cycle Tracking and Syncing 
  • Moon Astrology (Exploring emotional health and needs) 
  • Birth Control/Contraception (Planning, Education and Counselling) 
  • Hormonal Health 
  • Reproductive Health Condition Support (PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, etc)
  • Herbal Support 
  • Community Resources 
  • When to bring your concerns to your MD or a Specialist 
  • Advocacy and Coaching 
  • Yoga & Meditation 
  • Reiki-Energy Healing 
  • Reflexology